Monday, April 2, 2012

Publishing on the kindle a couple of tips 1-5

Kindle publishing tips you may have heard – What works, what doesn’t
This is an excerpt from my book on Kindle Publishing soon to be released on Amazon. Here are some common misunderstandings when marking an ebook on the kindle.

  1. Update your email signature – What? Are you a network marketer now? Do you send out 100 mails a day in order for this kindle marketing to be effective? What this advice is missing is that people don’t buy what they don’t want and if I put this book as an email signature, I imagine only my stepfather would buy it out of curiosity and probably no one else. You can hand out a million flyers for your new punk band but if you do it at a Mormon convention you are wasting your time. Rather than link to your book to your email signature, link your website where you might have more offerings if they cared to look.
  2. Post a notice to your website or blog – Actually, your blog should be entirely for marketing and publishing your book, here is an excellent example of that But this we don’t need to build such a extensive site, all we need is something simple to start with to get Google’s attention.
  3. Contact your friends, family, co-workers, and fans – Once again, do they really want it? But if you have fans, this is a no brainer. What I like to do is let my friends/family on FB know that I have a new book and if they would like to support me they can buy it for .99 cents. I also explain a little bit about how every purchase shows Amazon that I deserve a number one position for my keywords. Usually I get quite a few people willing to spend a buck and click that little like button at the top of your Amazon page. Friendly non-pushy marketing goes much further.
  4. Reach readers with twitter – Unless you have HADD or would like to inspire it, I would stay away from twitter for marketing. It is completely flooded with awful marketers and jaded customers. Plus, like I mentioned above it needs to be maintained and your time is much better spent elsewhere. Once again twitter isn’t going to help with publishing and marketing on the kindle.
  5. Publish more than one book to create a multiplier effect – Yes, this is true. I am always surprised by how many times people have bought all of my books. Once you have a fan that likes your material they will eat it all up. Now, you just need to retain that fan either through a newsletter and/or a facebook fan page.
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