Monday, April 2, 2012

Publishing on the kindle a couple of tips 6-10

Kindle publishing tips you may have heard – What works, what doesn’t
This is an excerpt from my book on Kindle Publishing soon to be released on Amazon. Here are some common misunderstandings when marking an ebook on the kindle.

  1. Advertise your other kindle books in each book you publish - Yes, of course you should do this. Possibly give them the address of another site like that carries your books and offer them a discount/coupon. Not a bad way to upsell them to the next book.
  2. Encourage your Fans to Purchase and Review Your Book – I will cover this in a bit more detail later.
  3. Participate in Online Forums – Very little purchase return for the effort, however if this sounds interesting to you a lot of forums have a ton of clout with Google and if they let you leave a link to your book and website, can really increase your standings in Google. This is far more valuable than finding new customers on a forum, most marketing like this is seen as spam and more often than not deleted.
  4. Experiment with Coupons – Unfortunately Amazon doesn’t let you do this, BUT the Amazon engine will do it for you. They really want you to sell as many books as possible so they will adjust the price of your book periodically to maximize your sales, and they honestly know how to sell our books better than we do.
  5. Write Guest Columns for Blogs – A good way to get quality backlinks (explained later) but a heck of a lot of work for someone else’s benefit. Better to have this material on your own blog, to promote you own site via Google, a very important step in publishing to the kindle.
Want to know more? Visit my sister site at